
建站教程 2年前 (2023) admin
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The livelihood of the people news's with affects in television news function
The content summary:The CCTV each night's 7 spots "News broadcast" concentrated the record national affairs and the national behavior,the load bearing significant “the guidance responsibility”,it had the Chinese characteristic to disseminate news the way,has had the extremely high viewing ratio.But multiplication which develops along with the television business,is split up the audiences also day by day presents the multiplication,this kind “I broadcast you to look” the media standard aspect already could not command the entire television news profession again.Therefore the livelihood of the people news's birth had the possibility,its zero distance's drawing close to life,the drawing close to common people,enabled it to have the rapidly expand foundation.But its own existence,inevitable flaw,also causes its development to receive the imprisonment,also affects our country television newspaper item integral development tendency.The livelihood of the people news's appearance is a good start,how to enhance strong points and avoid weaknesses,with the social news,the public news and so on other form type's newspaper item communal development,the promotion entire television newspaper item's development,is the question which this article needs to inquire into

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This is the first of two days of national mourning,but here in Beslan it's a day of very personal pain.More than 100 victims of the school siege will be laid to rest.With so many dead - including so many children - it feels like the heart has been ripped from this small town.
Across Beslan this morning the sound of wailing echoed from the windows of apartment blocks; there isn't a family here which hasn't been touched by this tragedy.And at what used to be School Number One but is now a bombed-out shell,two mothers,whose children had died here,laid flowers,then they stood in silence,staring at the rubble.
Three days after the end of the siege,some in Beslan are still searching for relatives - more than 190 people are unaccounted for.
Steve Rosenberg,BBC News,Beslan


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