创建网站 英文(关于怎样可以学校生活变得有趣 英语作文 I want to make my school life more colour .what can i do 要翻译哦 如果是从别的网站粘的 那么就留下网址)

建站教程 2年前 (2023) admin
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关于怎样可以学校生活变得有趣 英语作文 I want to make my school life more colour .what can i do 要翻译哦 如果是从别的网站粘的 那么就留下网址

I love Dancing - an interesting hobby.
Dance is a type of passion that takes over the mind, body, and soul. I live every day knowing that being a dancer empowers my body and has the capability to take me through every step of my life. Dance has changed my life because it allows me to release the thoughts that have consumed my mind and move to the beat of my own rhythm. When I’m dancing I extend my thoughts through my fingers, out of my body and onto the floor until the only thing I feel is my own heart racing. My legs and arms sway gracefully as my story unravels and every movement carries another hardship further into the distance. Whether it be a turn, a leap, or a simple pose, each point in a dance is significant to the dancer. Many people believe that a dancer merely steps in time to music, but these are the people who were not privileged enough to live a life like mine, and experience the beautiful art that is dance.
I was always the child who was bouncing around the house, jumping on furniture, and getting scolded by my parents. Eventually my parents enrolled me in a dance class and let me develop myself in this hobby.

May you success 对不

嘿嘿,你好!才看到你的提问.1. May you success 是错的应该是May you succeed或May you be successful如果用 wish 可以这样说I/we/they wish you successHe/she wishes you success2. 希望 = hopewish 的意思比较接近...


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