
建站教程 2年前 (2023) admin
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自助网站建站ABC 非法业务

自助网站建站ABC 非法业务




本人是一名14年的外贸从业者,从2007年入行外贸一直在这个行业坚守,期待与外贸同行一起交流成长,涉及的行业不算太多,服装/鞋材/五金餐厨产品等。跟外贸同行交流发现,最近环境下大家业务两级分化,有的人生意火爆/有的人生意非常的萧条,当然这个跟行业产品也有很大关系,群里大家最关心的问题是如何开拓业务?如何做一个合格的业务员做了如下的简单整理,个人文笔有限写的不好还望包涵。一.如何成为一名合格的外贸业务1.外语能力+与客户的沟通水平能力2.专业的产品认知水平3.熟悉外贸进出口的业务流程4.供应链的管理5.收汇/财务知识普及二.如何开展业务开拓(渠道)1.参展/地推:一次性投入大,效果最直接 2.平台-2B(阿里国际为代表) 2C(亚马逊为代表)等 :价格战比较厉害 信息透明导致价格透明,营销烧钱无底洞,潜力无限 及今年被人问的最多的是阿里国际可以做吗?怎么做?!3.google等搜索引擎:利用一切可以利用的网络资源,成本低廉,海底捞客4.自主建站:持久战 5.社媒拓客:持久战 现在偏重做内容营销 6.数据信息平台以海关数据为代表:非常重要的开发客户渠道7.国外黄页/行业目录/社区论坛等:google引擎开发的一个重要组成部分8.货代/客户/同行推荐:正所谓名声在外 客户不愁I am a foreign trade practitioner for 14 years. I have been engaged in foreign trade since 2007. I am looking forward to communicating and growing with foreign trade peers. There are not too many industries involved, such as clothing / shoe materials / hardware kitchen products.Through wechat communication with foreign trade peers, it is found that under the recent epidemic environment, our business is divided into two levels. Some have a hot life intention / some have a very depressed life intention. Of course, this also has a lot to do with industry products. The most concerned problem in the group is how to develop business? How to be a qualified salesman has done the following simple sorting. My personal writing is limited and I hope to forgive my poor writing.1、 How to become a qualified foreign trade business1). Foreign language ability and communication ability with customers2). Professional product awareness3). Be familiar with the business process of foreign trade import and export4). Management of supply chain5). Foreign Exchange Payment collection / financial knowledge 2、 How to develop business (channels)1). Exhibition / local promotion: large one-time investment and the most direct effect2). Platform-2b (represented by Ali International) 2C (represented by Amazon), etc.: the price war is fierce, information transparency leads to price transparency, marketing burns money without a bottom hole, unlimited potential, and what people ask most this year is what Alibaba can do or not ? How do you do it?3). Google and other search channels: make use of all available network resources, low cost and get customers from the bottom of the sea4). Independent station building: it will last for long time and seek for result5). Social media outreach: it will last for long time and seek for result, it is now focuses on content marketing base on team work.6). The data information platform is represented by customs data: a very important channel for developing customers7). Foreign yellow pages / industry directories / community forums, etc.: an important part of Google reseach information8). Freight forwarder / customer / peer recommendation: just as the so-called reputation is abroad, customers will come easily


