seoul英语(我最喜欢的城市是首尔 英语作文怎么写)

建站教程 2年前 (2023) admin
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我最喜欢的城市是首尔 英语作文怎么写

My favourite city is Seoul.Seoul is the capital of South Korea and is located on the Han River in the country's northwest. The city is situated about 50 km (~30 mi) south of the North Korean border, also known as the de-militarized zone (DMZ). Seoul is a city with ancient history, the area of Seoul appears in history as early as 18 BCE, when the kingdom of Baekje founded its capital, Wiryeseong, in what is now southeastern Seoul. Modern Seoul descends from a city called Namgyeong, built during the Goryeo era, which then became the capital of the Joseon dynasty in 1394. Seoul has been the capital of successive Korean nations ever since.[2]Designated the status of a Special City, Seoul is administered directly by the national government.
With over ten million people, Seoul is South Korea's largest city and one of the largest cities in the world by population. Covering an area of only 605 square kilometers, smaller than New York City or Tokyo, it is one of the world's most densely populated major cities.
The Seoul National Capital Area, which includes the major port city of Incheon, has almost 23 million inhabitants making it the second most populous metropolitan area in the world, after Greater Tokyo. Almost half of South Korea's entire population lives in the Seoul National Capital Area, and nearly one quarter in Seoul itself, making it the country's political, cultural, and economic center, as well as a center for international business. The rapid economic, social and technological development of the city has played a key role in South Korea's development, and has been referred to as the "Miracle on the Han River".
Seoul hosts more than three million registered vehicles and widespread traffic congestion is common. In recent years, the metropolitan government has undertaken extensive clean up of the city's air and water pollution. The revival of Cheonggyecheon, a stream that flows through Seoul city center, was a recent major urban beautification project.


大韩(韩语:대한민국,英语:Republic of Korea),简称“韩国”(South Korea)。位于东亚朝鲜半岛南部,总面积约10万平方公里(占朝鲜半岛面积的45%),主体民族为韩民族,通用韩语,总人口约5147万。首都为首尔。


韩国的总面积为100284平方公里。浙江省 浙江陆域面积10.55万平方公里,其面积与我国浙江省接近。大韩介绍:大韩(韩语:대한민국,英语:Republic of Korea),简称“韩国”(South Korea)。位于东亚朝鲜半岛南部,总面积约10万平方公里(占朝鲜半岛面积的45%),主体民族为朝鲜族,通用韩语,总人口约5145万。首都为首尔。韩国三面环海,西濒临黄海,东南是朝鲜海峡,东边是日本海,北面隔着线非军事区与朝鲜相邻。朝鲜半岛,周为箕子封地与三韩领土,汉武帝在朝鲜设置汉四郡,后为新罗、高丽、百济时代,李氏朝鲜时期获得统一,为明清两朝的藩属国,清末在甲午战争中战败,正式脱离与的藩属关系。1910年朝鲜半岛沦为日本殖民地,1945年8月15日光复取得独立。1948年8月和9月,依北纬38度线,朝鲜半岛南北先后成立大韩和朝鲜主义共和国。1950年爆发朝鲜战争,1953年7月27日依朝鲜停战协定,朝韩双方停战。20世纪60年代以来,韩国实行了“出口主导型”开发经济战略,创造了被称为“汉江奇迹”的经济高速增长期,并跻身“亚洲四小龙”之一。扩展资料浙江,简称“浙”,省会杭州。境内最大的河流钱塘江,因江流曲折,称之江、折江,又称浙江,省以江名。地处东南沿海长江三角洲南翼,东临东海,南接福建,西与安徽、江西相连,北与上海、江苏接壤。浙江省东西和南北的直线距离均为450公里左右。据第一次地理国情普查,浙江陆地面积10.43万平方千米 ,占全国的1.09%,是面积较小的省份之一。 浙江是典型的山水江南、鱼米之乡,被称为“丝绸之府”、“鱼米之乡”。早在5万年前的旧石器时代,就有原始人类“建德人”活动,境内有距今7000年的河姆渡文化、距今6000年的马家浜文化和距今5000年的良渚文化等文化遗存。浙江是吴越文化、江南文化的发源地,古代文明的发祥地之一。浙江是第三批自由贸易试验区, 是经济最活跃的省份之一,在充分发挥国有经济主导作用的前提下,以民营经济的发展带动经济的起飞,形成了具有鲜明特色的“浙江经济”,至2013年人均居民可支配收入连续21年位居第一,实际已达到中等发达国家水平。浙江属于长江经济带南翼,与安徽、江苏、上海共同构成的长江三角洲城市群已成为国际6大世界级城市群之一。2022年将举办第19届亚洲运动会。参考资料:韩国_百度百科 浙江—百度百科



版权声明:admin 发表于 2023年2月23日 am9:24。
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