上网的英文三种表达八年级(急求初三英语作文(下)how to use the computer .最好附有翻译)

建站教程 2年前 (2023) admin
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急求初三英语作文(下)how to use the computer .最好附有翻译

How to use the computer
A computer can do many things.It can print out documents,it can let you surf on the internet,and it can store photos.You can exchange e-mail,listen to music,watch movies or television shows,buy things,browse the web,play games,and a multitude of other things.
The best way to learn how to use a computer is to learn at your own pace.This web site is a guide for new computer users.Here you will find step by step descriptions of the most commonly used programs and functions of your computer.We can learn things from the website,and make progress at our own pace.It's easy.With practice,we can get skilled in using the computer.
Nobody can live without a computer in this information age.


跳绳 [tiào shéng]
rope skipping
跳绳:skipping rope | jumping rope | JUMP ROPE
跳绳是一种运动的,通常都是由儿童或青少年跳,玩法是一个或多个人同时跳一条绳,让绳子在他们的脚下和头顶经过.至少要一个人转动绳子并跳绳,或三个人以上一起跳绳,由其中两个转动绳子,另外一个以上的人...详细 »
搜索 跳绳

日常活动类英文单词要类似watch TV,read book的单词噢

上网surf the Internet
去电影院看电影go to the cinema
看电视watch TV
看小说read novels
做运动do exercise
打羽毛球play tennis
弹吉他play the guitar
看报纸 read newspapers
看电影 see a film
看演出 watch the show
see a doctor 看医生
look at the blackboard 看黑板
have a look 看一看
answer questions,
raise hands ,
borrow money,
take a bus,
catch the bus ,
return books
,read books ,
attend class ,
surf the internet
