名词,是网的意思.动词,是收罗到一起的意思科技专业用语意思(科技名词定义 )中文名称:网络 英文名称:network 定义1:由具有无结构性质的节点与相互作用关系构成的体系.所属学科:地理学(一级学科);数量地理学...
阅读理解。 超级网银 沈而默 ①“网上银行”又称网络银行、在线银行,是指银行通过互联网向客户提供查询、对账、转账、信贷、网上证券、投资理财等传统服务
1.逻辑顺序 2.①“超级网银”的含义或概念。 ②“超级网银”的各种功能。 3.运用作比较的说明方法,突出了“超级网银”的优点。 4.不能去掉,“暂时”限定时间 ,表示部分银行短时间内不会收取“超级网银”跨行转账手续费,以后就不一定了,这个词语体现了说明文语言的准确性。 |
中文翻译成英语World Cargo Alliance (WCA) 是WCA Family中最早成立的子网络,目前也是全球最成功的,成员数量位居第二的网络组织.WCA是一个非单一制的货代人网络,但是我们根据每个市场的业务规模
World Cargo Alliance (WCA) is the WCA Family earliest establishment of the sub - Network,and is currently the world's most successful,the second highest number of members of the network.WCA is a non-unitary system of freight forwarding network,But according to each market scale of business and other members of the business market needs to control its membership.WCA currently has more than 850 member companies located in 146 countries of nearly 400 markets.Today,WCA to the successful operation is still attracting a large number of credit outstanding freight forwarding companies to seek to become members of the network possibilities.Advanced Professional Logistics Network (APL N) WCA network in most markets the number of full members,APLN crops,to meet more freight forwarders to set up an international network needs.APLN WCA is a sister network,has a well-known part of the freight industry representatives as members.China Global Logistics Network (CGLN) the China market demand customization and is dedicated to the Chinese independent freight forwarders and the world credit good partner organizations,helping them to establish long-term cooperative relations of mutual trust.Is currently CGLN kind in the world's largest organizations,has more than 900 member companies around the world to 116 countries over 300 markets.To this end,we set up a regional service center,and will continue in other major Chinese mainland cities to set up offices there.WCA Family of senior managers attaches great importance to China's market,personally visited some strong Chinese freight forwarders,understand their network of overseas agents and the urgent need to provide a positive solution.India Global Logistics Network (IGLN) is the first globally accepted The commitment to the Indian subcontinent (India,Pakistan,Bangladesh,Sri Lanka and Nepal) market,there will be an excellent freight forwarding and the urgent need in these rapidly developing areas in search of a reliable partner in the global freight forwarding contact in a onwards.IGLN will help members in the region to find the best companies to meet this demand.WCA Project Network (WCAPN) is the world's first of a project for the transport of goods-led independent freight forwarding and related services supplier networks.Now,WCAPN is in full swing into a global-scale network in China,India and the Middle East for these large infrastructure of the market has a strong advantage.